The Effect of Designing and Segmenting Instructional Video



Aim/Purpose: This study aims to explore whether instructors and educators should segment portions of instructional video that can be loaded executed independently other portions, how long the portion effectively influence students’ learning, perception, interaction. Background: Instructional videos are widely used in higher education for pedagogy purposes, students expect their face-to-face online courses include effective learning outcomes. The literature indicates researchers suggested segmented might assist reduce cognitive burden; however, empirical research does not provide sufficient guidance about do it. Methodology: mixed-methods included quantitative data from an experiment, followed by qualitative focus groups help explain expand on findings. compared a 14-minute with same content split into three segments, ranging four five minutes length, segmenting affects perceive interact video. experimental design random assignment control groups. Participants were randomly assigned Qualtrics one two conditions where they watched either single (14-minute) (the group) or segments group). both asked watch video(s), take knowledge quiz, respond opinion questionnaire. consisted participants reflect overall perceptions using Contribution: contributes how, if, longer divided shorter segments. Findings: Results this indicated there is no significant difference between Long Video Group (control Segmented (experimental measures interaction However, who engaged multitasking activities than texting performed worse measure. group described variety behaviors preferences watching but expressed preference 20 long. Recommendations Practitioners: For purpose building declarative knowledge, number length may less important materials strategies support Recommendation Researchers: findings suggest while preferred differ based context, 20-minute preferred, at least accepted, typical academic setting, though possibility needs further study. Impact Society: create high quality acknowledging decisions require professional discretion rather arbitrary rules regarding length. Future Research: practitioners evaluate enhance importance pedagogical additional needed before instructors, educators, educational field accept thought any over six considered too attention span.

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عنوان ژورنال: Journal of Information Technology Education

سال: 2021

ISSN: ['1547-9706', '1539-3585', '1547-9714']